Pryzm's decentralized exchange is designed to allow you to swap between regular assets, cTokens, yTokens, or pTokens. You can trade tokens instantly, or swap gradually through an order to optimize your swap potential.
Swapping lets you trade tokens instantly with Pryzm's DEX. Follow this example to learn how to swap tokens.
- Visit https://app.pryzm.zone/ and connect your wallet. On the top menu, click Swap.
In the top section, select the asset that you have in your wallet that you want to swap. In the bottom section, select the asset you want to receive. In this example, OSMO is swapped for cOSMO.
Click Swap and sign the transaction in your wallet extension. After the transaction finalizes, the swapped assets will appear in your account.
Pryzm's DCA function lets you swap between two assets gradually over time.
Visit https://app.pryzm.zone/ and connect your wallet. Click Swap in the top menu.
Click the DCA button. In the first section, select the asset you want to swap. In this example, OSMO will be swapped for cOSMO. In the second section, select the asset you want to buy.
Select the time period to trade over. In this example, 10 OSMO will be gradually traded over the next 10 hours for cOSMO.
You can set a maximum price for trading by toggling the "Set maximum acceptable price" button. The trade will only occur if the price is under this maximum price.
With limit orders, you can submit a price that you want a swap to happen at. If the swap price matches the set price, the swap will occur.
Visit https://app.pryzm.zone/ and connect your wallet. Click Swap in the top menu.
Click the Limit button. Under the Sell section, select the asset and amount you want to sell. Under the Buy section, select the asset you want to buy.
In the top section, you can select the price you want the swap to occur at. In this example, when 1 OSMO is worth 6.177482 yOSMO, the trade will occur.
CLick Create and sign the transaction in your wallet extension to submit the limit order.